The Role of Archetypes in Literature Featured, Kate, 3 BirdYipiyap16 February 2024characterisation, building characters, creating characters, the role of archetypes, creative writing, fiction, characterisation and narrative voice, analysing fiction
Archetypes Featured, Isabel H, 3 BirdYipiyap8 December 2023characterisation, building characters, creating characters, the role of archetypes, creative writing, fiction, making characters, what are archetypes?, characterisation and narrative voice, analysing fiction
How to Spot Themes and Motifs in a Narrative 2 Bird, AlexYipiyap1 September 2022spotting themes, spotting motifs, how to spot themes, how to spot motifs, themes, motifs, analysing, fiction, non-fiction, writing, exam, essay, extract, text, novel, book, analysing fiction
How Does Context Impact a Text? Centime, 2 Bird, FeaturedYipiyap24 August 2022context, fiction, non-fiction, the 5 ws, analysis
Exploring Themes in Romeo and Juliet Alex, 2 Bird, FeaturedYipiyap24 August 2022themes, romeo and juliet, analysis, fiction, analysing fiction
How to Spot Themes and Motifs in a Narrative Rackael, 2 BirdYipiyap13 June 2022spotting themes, spotting motifs, how to spot themes, how to spot motifs, themes, motifs, analysing, fiction, non-fiction, writing, exam, essay, extract, text, novel, book, analysing fiction
How to Spot Themes and Motifs in a Narrative Libby, 2 Bird, FeaturedYipiyap13 June 2022spotting themes, spotting motifs, how to spot themes, how to spot motifs, themes, motifs, analysing, fiction, non-fiction, writing, exam, essay, extract, text, novel, book, analysing fiction